
time to post

LATE, LATE FOR a very important date. But I've been a little busy, too. Strange things happening. I got here, to live and bee at my Farmlet. And then I was laid off. This would be a big stinky deal, except that in the context of the economy, the general angst of peeps, and my destiny, which continues to form, I'm very blessed. Although I lost one job, I will soon start another part-time, and I won't be rolling in dough, but it will provide enough to get by, and I'll have more time to create my dreams here at the Farmlet. For instance, here are a couple pix of my friend's letterpress studio. Just a teaser...more to come!


getting the stinkeye

I'M GETTING DIRTY LOOKS from the piggy birds. I have throngs of goldfinches, house finches, sparrows, pine siskins, the occasional grosbeak, starlings and crows of course, but they ground feed. Oh, and the quail who are becoming numerous. I have a feeder which holds a gallon of seed, and they're so gluttonous that I have to fill it daily. My neighbor told me we could have a substantial winter...the animals are fatter, the acorns are starting to drop, but it was 80° today, and absolutely gorgeous. So we're not done yet!


my little guest

I HAD A little guest last week, who entrusted me with his bunny, (seen here on his shoulder) Sobe the dog and Max the cat while he and his mommy moved their big horse over here to Wenatchee. It's nice to see another picture of a human being, a very special little human bean, since most of what I post are plants.

just an update

I FINALLY HAVE everything moved over to Wenatchee from Bothell. I've worked on that for 3 weeks, hence no posting. But soon I'll have new pix up with more plants in the garden and beginning plans for next year. These are the last of my sunflowers, now being replaced by dahlias. And my sedumchair, which made it over in one piece.