THE COLDER NIGHTS are starting to stress the trees. This perfect color swash of autumn is a hickory nut tree, taken in the brief sunlight of a stormy grey blue sky.
MORNING LIGHT IN Wenatchee this time of year stills my heart. I carved my pumpkin last night so seeing his scary little face started it again! He will go out on the corner, and I should take bets to see how long he remains intact, and not a street casserole courtesy of the goblins.
TODAY I DISCOVERED a little clematis Dad planted. Here it is in bloom. ("Dark Eyes?") Diminutive blooms with only 4 petals, like a clover. This is how he breaks my heart. I continue to get small surprises.
IT WAS COLDER this morning than it has been for several weeks. The mountains toward the pass (HWY 2) looked almost like they could host snow, but it's not cold enough yet. Today I go to work as a lunch lady, and hope it will provide enough income so I can work on the Farmlet™ and the Foundrie™. A long list of creating awaits.
...EVERYDAY, IT'S LOVELY here. I've been waiting for different colors...not that I'm complaining about an 89° day on October 2nd. Gorgeous. But it's getting cooler in Seattle, and my sister Terrie took this of her fading pampas grass fronds, early in the morning with the moon hanging above. Rich as a royal robe.