
summer lily time

AS THEY SAY, a pic is worth 1000 words.
The fragrance when I pass by these in the evening is bliss.


ophee is good

A MIRACLE occurred—Ophee's little shattered ankle healed up. It has a big bumpy bone mass protecting the previously broken area, but she's doing fine, running and jumping with the other hounds. I think it must ache now and then, with barometric changes, like my ankle does. <:

lilies are coming

HERE THEY COME, with the warm nights and hot days, my lilies, which I adore, if not for their beauty, then for their heady fragrance. I need many more. These brave souls made it over from Bothell, and through last winter, and are doing fairly well their first year. I think next year they will sport many more blooms though.


clemmy came back

DAD'S LITTLE CLEMATIS out on back of the turret has come back in full force. It just needed a little TLC. I hope Dad gets to enjoy it. I like to think of his spirit wandering around the yard from time to time. He is so missed by both Ter and me.

roses & peonies

A GORGEOUS ARRANGEMENT from the flowers outside my door. Poppa's peonies and my Pat Austin rose.

catchup info!

IT'S HARDER TO post in the summer, when there's so much going on: planting, pruning, etc etc. I'm also cleaning out the Foundry, and Terrie helped me start this darling little patio, in the Bird Garden. It will be finished in the next week or so. Gonna be very nice out there.