

pix.  it's autumn, and man. Very gorgeous colors this year. This is golden raintree.


comments on 2013

AMERICANS ARE EXPERIENCING chaos and our leaders are acting like idiots, and perhaps Rome is definitely getting scorched.  :\   I looked back at my first musings here, and in spite of myself, I'm making the experience I wanted here, growing plants and helping pollinators, and just loving the beauty I see here. But I am facing some pretty hard work this year, as I will now finally be able to take my yield to farmers market, etc.  In the face of all that is happening this year, I am thrilled to be heading in this direction, as it is the right one.   :B

october light

ON MY FADING hops vine.

morning dew

ON KATSURA LEAF. We're getting the dewey mornings now.  

please help yourself

TO ALL THE Acorns you would like!


yellow wax bells

OR IN PROPER LATIN, Kirengeshoma Palmatum, one of the most charming shrubberies I have in the garden.


never too late

4-yr old Sorbaria 'Sem" graces the shed.   ...thanks Jojo.
TO POST ON your blog! I apologize to anyone who was wondering. ;B.
Since April, I've grown heirloom vegetables, planted perennials, (many donated by friends!), created a pathway to the bird garden designed for me by roost landscapes in west seattle,
improved the potager and raised beds, and painted almost everything, either 'dried tomato' red, or my favorite green-gray, 'dragon's breath.' And off the Farmlet, I'm gearing up to farm flowers for local market with a co-op garden.  I'm beat!  :D   more to come...


korean spice bush

...now in bloom has orchid-y fragrance---wonderful by my front door!


greetings from 2013

JUST SENDING HELLOS and that I'm still here. Will post more in the growing season.