
Bishop Landalff dahlia


by the way

The shrub below-- if you can call it that--  is sorbaria "sem" and is supposed to be more mannerly than the species. Still, quite a piggy.

it's summer!

i know. i suck. haw...
nevertheless...a post for good weather. Here are plants in bloom! My trees are huge--everything is bursting. It's nice, but also, lotta work. Campsis radicans, " Madame Galen" is starting to smother the 'turret" and all the lilies and hollyhox etc are 9 ft tall.  The trees are going to swallow me up.  I got a new acer palmatum, "Burgundy Lace"  --it's going strong. I dislike the name, and so ignored it. But it's one of the most gorgeous maples with it's copper / green / bronze. Happy i gave it a try.