
happy new 2011!

I VISITED THE DARLING Lawrences last night. Dave and Angie. They've been here a year, from the UK, to run a bed and breakfast, the Apple Country Inn. What a blast to compare views on the problems of both our countries.


the night visitor

Great Horned Owl (Bubo Virginianus)
LAST NIGHT I was startled by a very loud hoo hooing outside, and at first I thought it was kids goofing off. But it was the real thing. It was quiet, so Mr. Owl's hoot carried. I hadn't seen an owl up close. So I tiptoed to the walnut tree where I located the source of his 'hoo - hoooo hoo." He regarded me several times. I stayed very still. But he took off anyway after about 4 minutes. When Ophee and I went out for her nightly constitutional, I was 5 feet behind her, when the owl swept right over us at eye level, and fortunately I didn't have to duel him for my puppy. I think he was checking her out, and decided 14 lbs. might be just a bit much to deal with. Nevertheless, lesson learned, and quite a thrill....super silent and spooky, he was on us before I even knew it. And in a blink was gone.
Here is a photo of when I first spotted him/her (it was dark, so I had to retouch this in Pshop, but it's identical to the scene).


last night's snow

AT MIDNIGHT, I went out in the yard with Ophee, and I couldn't believe how light it was from the fallen snow. I took this photo of the little turret with the lights twinkling warmly. The photo doesn't do justice, but it was charming, even beautiful in the snow. Like coming upon a little warmly lit cabin in the forest.


an elegant hunter

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus)
HE SWEPT BY when Ophee and I were out in the yard this morning. His presence explains the occasional feathery murder scenes I find in the yard. Also, I am fairly certain starlings are a favorite dish, and I've had big populations in the trees lately. Like everyone, scrabbling for food and warmth. Closeup photo is actually a juvenile. They mature to more black and white.


my snowy block

IN THE SUNSHINE, which we get a good amount of even in winter, the snow is so pristine, and all the colors shine against it. Here's my little street, with beautiful sky overhead, and a shot of Saddlerock, dressed in snow.

our path panorama

THE ROUTE WE walk, Ophee and I. This looks so generic, compared to the way it looked when I took it on Thanksgiving. It was so breathtaking outside, with the contrasts of white and blue, and the sun, sparkling on anything it could.

yer snow buddy

That's about all I have to say.


before & after

SO ONE NIGHT, it was frosty and cold, and the next morning all was blanketed by our friend Snow.


why the trees

OK, ENOUGH ALREADY with all the leaves. I must explain myself. I am utterly ravished by autumn colors. The tarnished tones of red, gold, and myriad greens make my heart ache. And usually, against the foil of blackened vegetation, give the impression of a Czar's robes. I wonder if I fell in love with trees as a child...I have memories of huge trees with wonderful billows of falling leaves to play with. In Huntington Beach, Terrie and I had the pleasure of attending a grade school where old trees littered the ground with their leaves in September. I remember, even as a kid, on my last day of school there, I walked the grounds, taking in the sights and smells of my old tree friends, and feeling a pang of sadness that I would rarely if ever see them again.

free mulch!

IF IT'S POSSIBLE to be excited about a Troybuilt Leaf Blower, you can see why here. These are just the farthest corners of the Farmlet— lots more leaves in between. But they will make lovely blankets for my transplants.


our favorite walk

OPHEE AND I walk 2 blocks to the irrigation waterways, which are like little streams in the summer, and now are empty of water but the path is covered with pine needles, hoofprints of deer (which I might see if I was up at 5am), blackberry brambles full of quail, and leaves, EVERYWHERE. Wenatchee has its share of trees, and we delight in scuffling through the multi-colored crunchy carpets.

the long shadows

WASN'T IT JUST September, yesterday? Watching the seasons change here, it's so obvious the time of year. In Bothell, seasons blurred. The shadows are really stretching out, and I have plenty to do before winter, which promises to be a snowmonster.
My friend Ethan gave me a leaf blower which has turned out to be my favorite back-saving device. Thank you, Ethan!


so it begins

THE COLDER NIGHTS are starting to stress the trees. This perfect color swash of autumn is a hickory nut tree, taken in the brief sunlight of a stormy grey blue sky.


good morning

MORNING LIGHT IN Wenatchee this time of year stills my heart. I carved my pumpkin last night so seeing his scary little face started it again! He will go out on the corner, and I should take bets to see how long he remains intact, and not a street casserole courtesy of the goblins.


the little surprises

TODAY I DISCOVERED a little clematis Dad planted. Here it is in bloom. ("Dark Eyes?") Diminutive blooms with only 4 petals, like a clover. This is how he breaks my heart. I continue to get small surprises.


crisp morning air

IT WAS COLDER this morning than it has been for several weeks. The mountains toward the pass (HWY 2) looked almost like they could host snow, but it's not cold enough yet. Today I go to work as a lunch lady, and hope it will provide enough income so I can work on the Farmlet™ and the Foundrie™. A long list of creating awaits.


i take pictures

...EVERYDAY, IT'S LOVELY here. I've been waiting for different colors...not that I'm complaining about an 89° day on October 2nd. Gorgeous. But it's getting cooler in Seattle, and my sister Terrie took this of her fading pampas grass fronds, early in the morning with the moon hanging above. Rich as a royal robe.


time to post

LATE, LATE FOR a very important date. But I've been a little busy, too. Strange things happening. I got here, to live and bee at my Farmlet. And then I was laid off. This would be a big stinky deal, except that in the context of the economy, the general angst of peeps, and my destiny, which continues to form, I'm very blessed. Although I lost one job, I will soon start another part-time, and I won't be rolling in dough, but it will provide enough to get by, and I'll have more time to create my dreams here at the Farmlet. For instance, here are a couple pix of my friend's letterpress studio. Just a teaser...more to come!


getting the stinkeye

I'M GETTING DIRTY LOOKS from the piggy birds. I have throngs of goldfinches, house finches, sparrows, pine siskins, the occasional grosbeak, starlings and crows of course, but they ground feed. Oh, and the quail who are becoming numerous. I have a feeder which holds a gallon of seed, and they're so gluttonous that I have to fill it daily. My neighbor told me we could have a substantial winter...the animals are fatter, the acorns are starting to drop, but it was 80° today, and absolutely gorgeous. So we're not done yet!


my little guest

I HAD A little guest last week, who entrusted me with his bunny, (seen here on his shoulder) Sobe the dog and Max the cat while he and his mommy moved their big horse over here to Wenatchee. It's nice to see another picture of a human being, a very special little human bean, since most of what I post are plants.

just an update

I FINALLY HAVE everything moved over to Wenatchee from Bothell. I've worked on that for 3 weeks, hence no posting. But soon I'll have new pix up with more plants in the garden and beginning plans for next year. These are the last of my sunflowers, now being replaced by dahlias. And my sedumchair, which made it over in one piece.


Fasten your seatbelt...

...AND PUT YOUR TRAY in the upright position. Please put all bee-longings under your seat, and prepare for landing. The weather is fine today for arrival on Rose of Sharon, with clear skies and a soft breeeze from the southwest at approx. 5 knots. Thank you for flying with HoverBee Airlines today, and please accept our complimentary pollen snack as you disembark.


bee-autiful dreamer

PRETTY SURE THIS little bee will get his fill of pollen and treats on my giant red sunflower.

my lovely neighbors

THE DARLING MORALES fambly up the street helped me get my yard shaped up, free of weeds and trimmed and mowed. Here are their darling faces...you can see poppa Morales (Jesus sr.) is camera shy. I'm afraid I embarassed them. The 2nd pic is Jesus jr., little Isele, and mom Maria. They're so sweet, and have gifted me many awesome veggies and fruits from their garden. They brought me a new sun hat, too. Man.

sorry, more sunsets.

CAN'T HELP IT ... I have to keep taking pix of the skies here. So clear. So gorgeous. I promise after this post I'm adding a few different things... :B


august skies

MAYBE BEFORE TOO long, I will have more pictures of my surroundings...I have been so smitten with the sunrises and sunsets here, it's just about all I'm taking pix of. This was the next morning after a really spectacular thunderstorm.


feeling at home

AT THE FARMLET, I am slowy getting my plants, objects and belongings in their correct places. Interestingly, everything I have is at home here, as if I was collecting all this stuff so it would be here someday. Besides keeping the plants alive, ornaments and furniture and stuff are finding their spots. Pix to come of my little vignettes. Some will be used in a "Farmlet Presentation" now in progress. Will keep posting!


it's MY yard.

OPHEE SURVEYS HER domain. I think she's finally gotten used to the Farmlet, and enjoys her walks on the property, checking for intruders, or at least their poo. <:B sorry.

a good morning

REALLY. I MEAN, what's wrong with a sky like this? Yes, that's the moon there in the blue space at left. It's so lovely here. I may have to become a morning person. We had a tremendous thunderstorm on Wednesday, with huge rain, wind, hail, and lightning like crazy. I sat on the porch and watched it instead of my DVD rental. And the sky is still showing its personality this morning.


my first welcome

A LITTLE BIRD is my first "welcome" talisman since I've moved here. Please come and feel welcome! Little SquishBird got her name when she was run over by a wheelbarrow. Nevertheless, look at her joyful posture!


blooming in july

LAST OF THE hollyhocks, and here come my red sunflowers. I'm sleepy, like these hot July days, and a little wilted like my plants. Acclimating to averages around 90°.


happy chicken news

MY FRIEND LEE, intrepid reporter for the Wenatchee Business Journal and fellow Farmlet dweller has provided me a preview copy of the July 21 Wenatchee Planning Commission agenda, which has chickens and farm animal law up for discussion. I am blessed with just under an acre of property, so I am already good to go. They will be trying to reduce the restriction so smaller homeowners can have chicken friends. :B


off to market

DRIVING UP TO the Leavenworth Farmer's Market with my camera this afternoon. Intend to come back with bushels of flowers and tons of good veggies.


once a shrub

NOW A TREE, my dad's Spirea prunifolia(?) must be at least 60 years old. It was on the property when he bought it decades ago, and continued growing until its giant trunk now looks like this. It's beautiful and kindly to all, full of bees and birds, provides shade, and I'm going to give it a proper pruning this fall. I should name it Claude. I just did. One day soon, Claude the spirea will shade the little potting shed near my veggies.


city chickens

I'M PRETTY EXCITED. Terrie, Vicki and Brian and I went to the City Chickens Tour presented by Seattle Tilth. Also saw my bees. Can hardly wait to introduce them to the Farmlet. Brian turned this pic of me holding a chicken into a chicken holding me.


9-ft hollies

THESE HOLLYHOCKS ARE growing up the side of the turret, in a little planter that hugs the bldg and gets lots of heat and light. I'm only allowing the Nigra (alcea rosea nigra) to seed. If I see a pale yellow, it goes to the compost. They look red in sunlight, but in the morning and evening light, are near black. These come back every year now, even though they are bi-annual bloomers. They have self-sown into happy giants.
photo: Lee Fehrenbacher