OPHEE SURVEYS HER domain. I think she's finally gotten used to the Farmlet, and enjoys her walks on the property, checking for intruders, or at least their poo. <:B sorry.
honey, you've gotta design a circular arbor that can be knee-braced to the top of the turret masonry, right under the cupola roof. you would have to hire help. but you could do it with 2x4s, edgewise, maybe about 2 ft long. just design it and figure out how to support it--materials would not be expensive, but labor could bee.
honey, you've gotta design a circular arbor that can be knee-braced to the top of the turret masonry, right under the cupola roof. you would have to hire help. but you could do it with 2x4s, edgewise, maybe about 2 ft long. just design it and figure out how to support it--materials would not be expensive, but labor could bee.