

ANOTHER BOX with a serene saint.


little altars

MADE HOLLY DAZE items, sending cards. Most of what I do is paper based, and I find downtime during the season to work on painting, books and altered art. I'll send a hand-painted hat box to one pal, and Heart Book to another who has helped me so much. Pix coming, for this first draft. But for the holidays...pix of the beautiful altars at St James.

mystery train

I TOOK A RIDE on Amtrak to Portland this last week, to see my wonderful friend and life coach deluxe, Kathy. No matter the weather, the train is a comfy and quiet treat. Here's a glimpse of the cloudy skies over Puget Sound. You can just glimpse the shore.
As for coaching, let's just say The Bee Book is more than ever my focus, as my dream of growing a little Farmlette is coming closer. Life has some mysteries for me even in the face of difficult times.

Her site is runlikeagirl.org


snipping stems

TODAY WAS MILD here in Seattle. I spent part of the afternoon snipping off frost-bitten grass spikes and willow branches, and started taking stock of what plants look like they will make it if the rest of winter is temperate. We haven't had snow here. But the Farmlette in Wenatchee is covered. I will garden both gardens this year and make a final choice to move to the Farmlette or stay urban.