
three month hiatus

I'M NOT TIMELY with blogging. Understatement. I get into a different groove and am suddenly without stories, and yet I'm gardening 10 mos of the year, so 'doh!'  :D  I guess this is a journal now, more than a blog. All the more reason to be timely. Bizarre heat this late june /early july. 100s+ for about 3 wks --in late june. hmmm. Apologies to anyone listening and enjoy summer.

cluster of cannas

OR, MY CANNA cans, i call them, cuz they are not hardy here. so they all overwinter in their pots in the foundry. I moved them from their former spot so i could plant something else there. Thought it was sorta funny to plop them all in the drive.  ;B  I'm a garden nerd.

frequent visitor

FOR A MONTH or so, Yellow Monarch has been visiting. Not sure if they migrate like the orange ones who all cluster together, or are part of them. Lovely. and like so many things, endangered...from habitat loss.


almost May

TULIP "DAYDREAM"  starts yellow,
morphs to gorgeous orange pink.


spring 2015!

GOOD MORNING! haw. anyway -- morning for this year...just finished with some much needed rain. everything is rebooting. some pix today.  Terre from roost™ will visit me soon and help me get all of my garden projects done or started.  :B  Cuz my twinny is now a Certified Landscape Professional.  yay!
my first project this spring: prune that big walnut.